OrcoTerge™ colorants are specialty dyes specifically selected for use in detergent applications for the carwash and Household, Industrial, & Institutional(HI&I) industries. These dyes have high stability properties which are required in many specialty soap and detergent formulations.

Select the button below for a downloadable shade card that illustrates shades and a listing of physical properties.

ImageNamePH StabilitySolubility 68°F (g/L)Specific Gravity
Blue BG 200%Neutral to Moderate>60
Blue BG Ex LiquidNeutral to Moderate1.16
Blue RB-TNeutral to Moderate>40
Green BG LiquidNeutral to Moderate1.10
Green GBNeutral to Moderate>40
Green NNWNeutral to Moderate>50
Orange YNeutral to Moderate>60
Orange Y LiquidNeutral to Moderate1.11
Red CW ConcNeutral to Moderate>50
Rhodamine B 425%Neutral to Moderate>60
Rhodamine B LiquidNeutral to Moderate1.04
Violet BSV LiquidNeutral to Moderate1.14
Violet FBLNeutral to Moderate>60
Yellow F 120%Neutral to Moderate>80
Yellow F LiquidNeutral to Moderate
Yellow G2 CrudeNeutral to Moderate>60
Yellow GLD CrudeNeutral to Moderate>100
Yellow GLD LiquidNeutral to Moderate1.15

Actual dye samples must be evaluated in a laboratory on medium to be dyed in production for accurate shade and physical property results. Shades shown on print material and computer monitors are for general reference only as they are inherently inaccurate due to calibration variations and technical limitations of monitors and printers.