How to Cold Pad-Batch Dye Cotton Using Orco Reactive MX-Series™ Dyes


    1. Prepare MX-Series™ reactive dye solution and cotton goods.
    2. Add prescoured cotton goods and dye solution to cold dyebath containing 2% Orcopon KP™ on weight of bath.
    3. Just before padding of fabric add cold soda ash solution to padding liquor. For a 2-hour batching time, add soda ash in dry weight equal to that of the dye.  For overnight batching, 12-24 hours, use a four-to-one ratio of sodium bicarbonate-to-soda ash ratio. Total weight of this alkali mix should be equal to that of the cloth.
    4. Pad goods. Goods should be at room temperature and dry.
    5. Goods should be wrapped in black plastic.
    6. Wash excess or unfixed dye by cold rinsing, then a warm neutralizing rinse @ 120°F(50°C) using acetic acid.
    7. Thoroughly hot rinse, soap at boil using 0.25 oz/gal(2 gr/L) Orcopon KP™, warm rinse, then finally cold rinse.

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