How to Continuous Dye Cotton Using Orco Reactive MX-Series™ Dyes
- Because of the MX-Series™ reactive dyes’ high reactivity, they lend themselves to rapid-dyeing in a continuous process to provide a “ground-shade”.
- Prepare the MX-Series™ reactive dye solution and cotton goods.
- Pad prescoured cotton goods through a 80°F(25°C) dyebath containing:
X % MX-Series™ dyes on weight of bath
1% owb Sodium Bicarbonate
0.5% -1.0% owb Orconol CHSA Conc™
- Dry at 225°F(110°C) for 1-2 minutes. For medium to heavy shades a 30-second steam-fix after drying may be necessary.
- Wash excess or unfixed dye by cold rinsing, then a warm neutralizing rinse @ 120°F(50°C) using acetic acid.
- Thoroughly hot rinse and soap at boil using 0.25 oz/gal(2gr/L) Orcopon KP™.
Warm rinse, then a final cold rinse.