How to Exhaust Dye Nylon Using Orcocil™ Dyes
- Prepare and pre-scour goods.
- In a new bath, circulate the following chemicals for 10-15 minutes at 110°F(43°C) prior to adding dyes:
Acetic Acid to a pH of 5.5-6.0
1.5% Anionic Wetting Agent on weight of goods(owg)
- Add pre-dispersed Orcocil™ which have not been exposed to temperatures higher than 160°F(71°C) as many low-energy disperse dyes are sensitive to excessive heat and may precipitate out of solution.
- Slowly raise temperature to 205°-210°F(96°-99°C) at a rate of 2°-3°F per minute.
- Continue to run at this elevated temperature for 50-60 minutes.
- Cool back to 160°F(71°C), drop bath, and rinse until clear.
- After-fixing low energy disperse dyes does not generally improve the wetfastness to any appreciable degree so it is not recommended. In many cases, a light scour at 120°F with 1.0% owg Orcopon PCA™ will remove loose surface color and improve crocking.
- The use of excessive acid below pH of 4.5 is not recommended as this may cause precipitation of many disperse dyes from solution.