How to Garment Dye Cotton Using Orco Reactive MX-Series™ Dyes


  1. Prepare and prescour garments as necessary. Material should have good absorbency, wet-out, and contain no residual chlorine, peroxide, or alkali.
  2. At 105°F(40°C) add:

1.0 %                           Orconol CHSA Conc™ on weight of fabric(owf)

0.067 oz/gal(0.5g/L)   Sodium Hexametaphosphate

1.0 % owf                    Orcotol MN Powder™ for closed machines

X % owf                       MX-Series™ dye properly prepared

  1. Run for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Add common or Glauber’s salt as prescribed in chart below. Run for 25 minutes.  This should be added in thirds in 5-minute intervals when dyeing light shades to help promote levelness.

% owf                          oz/gal(g/L)

to 0.50                         5 (38)

0.51-1.00                     7 (53)

1.01-2.00                     9 (68)

2.01-4.00                   12 (91)

4.01+                         13 (98)

  1. Add soda ash as prescribed in chart below. This should be added in thirds when dyeing light shades to help promote levelness.  Run 45-60 minutes.

% owf dyes                                   Soda Ash oz/gal(g/L)

                                                     15:1           20:1                30:1

to 0.5                                       .67 (5)      .40 (3)             .27 (2)

0.51-2.0                                 .67 (5)        .53 (4)             .27 (2)

2.01-4.0                               1.33 (10)    1.06 (8)             .53 (4)

4.01+                                   2.00 (15)    1.33 (10)          .66 (5)

    1. After dyeing, overflow rinse until clear using cold water. Drop bath.
    2. In new bath at 100°F(38°C) neutralize with 0.133 oz/gal(1g/L) of Acetic Acid 56% or more if necessary for neutralization of residual alkali for 10 minutes. Drop bath.
    3. Soap at boil using 0.25% owf Orcopon KP™ for 10-15 minutes.
    4. Warm rinse at 140°F(60°C).
    5. Hot rinse and then cold rinse until clear.

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