Orcoset Resin CN™

Orcoset Resin CN™ is a nonionic polyvinyl acetate homo-polymer developed for the textile industry to produce maximum stiffness to cotton, synthetics and blends. The dry-rate has been modified to prevent excessive build-up on pad rolls, especially in a three-roll stock. Orcoset Resin CN™ may be used alone or compounded with other finishing agents such as optical brighteners, starches, or corresponding catalysts.


Physical Properties

Appearance White viscous emulsion
Odor Slightly sweet
Ionic Charge Anionic/Nonionic



Edge Gumming  –  Apply a 1 : 1 blend of water and Orcoset Resin CN™

Sizing or Pre-Coat for Book Cloth  –   Use Orcoset Resin CN™ at about 12 %.



Orcoset Resin CN™ may be used at concentrations ranging from 2.0% on weight of bath(owb) in for lightweight fabrics to 10.0% owb for moderately firm hands. For extra stiff hands, as much as 15.0% owb to 20.0% owb may be used.

  • Protect from low temperatures when stored
  • Stir thoroughly before use with low speed mixer
  • Protect from excessive heat and freezing temperatures

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