OrcoBrite WL™

OrcoBrite WL™ is an organic brightener which makes the colors on wool cleaner and brighter by removing the dulling impurities that naturally exist in wool.  OrcoBrite WL™ will not adversely affect wool strength, shade, lightfastness, or wash fastness but actually improves upon it.


Physical Properties

Appearance White, free-flowing powder
Solubility Soluble in all proportions in water



OrcoBrite WL™ is a good replacement for hydrosulfite bleaches which often deteriorate wool.



Run woolen piece goods in a bath containing 2% – 4% OrcoBrite WL™ on weight of goods(owg) for 10 minutes.

Add :

  • 10% owg    Glauber’s Salt
  • 5% owg      Glacial Acetic Acid 56%

Run for 10 minutes and add dyes.

Raise temperature to the boil and run for one hour.




Protect from excessive heat and humidity.

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